Learn how to choose the right outdoor furniture for your DeckRite vinyl deck. Find the best materials, tips for maintaining furniture, and space-maximizing ideas.
Discover creative design and decoration ideas to enhance your DeckRite vinyl decking. Learn how to create a stylish and functional outdoor space with furniture, plants, lighting, and accessories.
Compare DeckRite vinyl decking to cedar decking. Learn about durability, maintenance, aesthetics, and cost to determine which is best for your outdoor space.
Compare DeckRite vinyl decking to pressure-treated wood decking. Learn about durability, maintenance, aesthetics, and cost to determine which is best for your outdoor space.
Get answers to more common questions about DeckRite vinyl decking, including installation, cleaning, and maintenance tips.
Compare DeckRite vinyl decking to aluminum decking. Learn about the durability, maintenance, aesthetics, and cost to determine which is best for your outdoor space.
Learn how DeckRite vinyl decking compares to PVC decking in terms of durability, maintenance, aesthetics, and cost. Discover the pros and cons of each to make the best choice for your home.
Find answers to your most common questions about DeckRite vinyl decking, including installation, maintenance, lifespan, and much more.
Explore the differences between DeckRite and composite decking. Learn about durability, maintenance, cost, and more to make the best choice for your outdoor space.
Explore how DeckRite durability outlasts the competition with waterproof, UV-resistant materials that require minimal maintenance. Perfect for any climate.
We offer assessments, design, engineering, installation, operation & maintenance for all systems.
Commercial Flat Roofs
Phone: 647-933-ROOF (7663)
E-mail: andrew@commercialflatroofs.ca
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Services Offered
Commercial Flat & Low Slope Roofing
Commercial Flat & Low Slope Roof Replacement
Commercial Flat & Low Slope Roof Repair
Commercial Flat & Low Slope Roof Inspections & Assessments
PVC Flat & Low Slope Roofing
Single Ply PVC Roofing Systems